I did not receive my voucher ?

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Buy Premium Key

Created Date: 2015-12-14 Hits: 22080 Comment: 0

How to get Premium Key after Payment ?

Note : If Pay with Paypal :

  1. - The key will be sent within 5min  - 12 hours to your email ( account on FilesharingShop ) . Because it must be verified before accepting your payment.
  2. - Please do not choose this method, if you cant wait. 
  3. **DO NOT open dispute in any case! Please Contact Us, if you want to ask something!
  4. **If there is any chargeback or dispute from you, of course your access will be denied forever!


** Please make sure to check your email inbox and SPAM filter.

The email and the voucher / coupon / Login should look like that:



** We also put a copy of your voucher into your FileSharingShop customer account :

You have to login to your customer account.

1) Click on "Sign In" => click "My Orders" => "View Order"


What if there is no voucher in my email and customer account?

If you did not received your voucher, that means FileSharingShop staff still need to process your order manually.

We process order manually usually within 1 to 24 hours after the payment is accepted.


Why is my order not processed automatically as usual?

Maybe you product just run out of stock. Or your order has been flagged for potential fraud verification. Or simply an error from our system. 

Don't worry we will check your order and process it manually. 

It is not necessary to send us an email. It will not speed up the order process.

