Keep2share premium, premium review

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Keep2share premium account

Created Date: 2015-11-07 Hits: 12236 Comment: 0

Keep2share was founded in Nov 2012 ,with millions of account members,and almost one-third are have premium account.
It is a most popular file host,Hundreds of thousands of people visit Keep2share every day.

Free to use service have limits to all registered no premium users; quickest file deletion, less upload methods. You still can upload files up to 500MB per file and share with others.

keep2share premium:No waiting time and advertisements, all downloads start immediately, no size limitsmaximum download speed and parcel downloads for all files .
Great prices and secure easy payments methods.

Maximum Speed without no limits,up to 80M/s

Keep2share download is delivered only with the best quality,Premium users have the highest priority > then free > and guest users. If the download servers are busy, the speed is slow for guest and free users.
For free users, the download speed is set to 50 KB/s limit,
premium users do not have any speed or connection limits,
In most countries premium speed could up to be 30 MB/s.Keep2share premium download speed
If you download a video,some hours with free,but only two to ten minutes with premium.

No waiting to start download

For free users, there always is a waiting time 30 seconds to make sure premium users get maximum bandwidth.If you do not want to wait,we recommend to purchasing a premium.

Multiple file download

Time between 2 download for free users: 1 hour, then every 2hours.
You can download files as free user with speed limits and must wait 30 seconds to start.
You can download multiple files at the same time as a premium.

Download files up to 5GB

Premium User can download / upload files up to 5 GB (free users upload 2 GB / download 500 MB-1 GB) And more..
Download size limit is 1024 MB for free user,premium users can download up to 5 GB.
Premium only:

Keep2share  do not keep premium only for files ,that were uploaded by users for you to download.The files  usually are very good,so the  users set it premium only.
If necessary, we suggest that you buy a premium account.

Adequate traffic

20 GB/day premium bandwidth, 30 GB bonus for the first day (50 GB total). One hour video is about 600 MB,so you could download up to 30+ videos every day.To know  how much traffic you have used,just click Available traffic in your account page. If you ran out of traffic,just wait for the next day,your traffic will renew automatically at 00:00 GMT.

Resume aborted downloads

Premium user can stop and resume the interrupted downloads.Get files using standard internet browsers or use accelerators for multisession split resemble downloads.

Use download managers

You can use your favorite Download-Manager for downloading,download links generated to premium users will support download accelerators programs without limitations.

Pay safe

All payments are processed via an SSL connection and our online payment provider is fully PCI DDS Level 1 compliant which guarantees you that your payment information is pay safe.

Maybe It will add pay safe card soon.

But other payment methods are good and safe too.
Pay for premium using credit cards.100% safe transaction and instant activation after successful payment.

Transaction fee

Premium payment processor may charge extra transaction fees from the price of a Premium Account.

Every payment method have different bank fees. This is why you can see the fee only after you press on the method (Visa,Master Card,local payment etc.….)

When you choose the payment method on the next screen you see the price of the membership and the amount of a bank fee.


3 and 30 days plans is recurred,other plans no recurring.
To cancel a subscription please just click Cancel subscription link in you profile,then there is no recurring.
Premium Memberships for 90 days, 365 days and Lifetime are one-time payments.
After users purchase a 3-day trial account,they are automatically billed for a 30-day subscription after the 3-day trial expires.
After users purchase a 30-day trial account, they are automatically billed for a 30-day subscription after the 30-day trial expires.
But most people buy 90 days or life time plan,there is no recurring.

Refund policy

All of premium services can be purchased after you register,and you may subscribe to the premium services for various lengths of time. Refunds can be done on case by case basis and not later that 24 hours from initial order. Keep2share don't provide partial refunds.

Premium plans and price

As keep2share is an old file host,and the web design is their own(This needs much money,small or scam file host could not afford.),so it is trustworthy and legit,and it will be able to live longer than other file hosts.
Life time plan is the best choice,half of people choose 90 days plan.
You could try the 30 days plan too,then renew if you like it.
Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with premium account.

It is 100% risk-free for you.

If you don't like keep2share, you'll get your money back.

